We offer many types of teaching.
From Drums, Guitar, Bass, Piano & Vocals.
Other instruments are being added every year and
opportunities for students to Learn & then Perform.
Please Call us and learn how we can greatly improve
your current skill level or develop a whole new one!
PIANO CLASS 45 - Bi-Monthly $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
Single Appointment
CONCERT EVENT Purchase required to enroll
SHOWCASE ENTRY FEE No purchase required to enroll
BANJO - Single Session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
BASS - Single Session $34.50 per appointment
CELLO - Single Session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
DRUM - Single Session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
FLUTE - Single Session $34.50 per appointment
GUITAR - Single Session $34.50 per appointment
LIVE AUDIO - single session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
MANDOLIN - Single Session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
PIANO - Single Session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
SAX - Single Session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
TRUMPET - Single Session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
VIOLIN - Single Session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
VIOLA - Single Session $34.50 per class No purchase required to enroll
VOCAL - Single Session $34.50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
ROCK SUMMER CAMP No purchase required to enroll
CHRISTMAS BAND REHEARSALS - 2hr No purchase required to enroll
PERFORMANCEBEGINNER No purchase required to enroll
PERFORMANCEBEGINNER W/O LESSON PLAN $80 per class No purchase required to enroll
PERFORMANCEINTERMEDIATE No purchase required to enroll
PERFORMANCEINTERMEDIATE W/O LESSON PLAN $100 per class No purchase required to enroll
PERFORMANCEADVANCED Purchase required to enroll
Program includes:
1) 30min Skill Session per Week
1) 3hr Performer Band Session per Week
PERFORMANCEADVANCED W/O PRIVATE LESSONS $120 per class Purchase required to enroll
Program includes:
1) 30min Skill Session per Week
1) 3hr Performer Band Session per Week
LITTLE ROCKERZ GROUP CLASS - 1hr $69 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
SHOWCASE CONCERT EVENT No purchase required to enroll
SHOWCASE CONCERT REHEARSAL No purchase required to enroll
CONCERT DRESS REHEARSAL No purchase required to enroll
MUSICAL THEATRE 1 No purchase required to enroll
MUSICAL THEATRE 2 No purchase required to enroll
MUSICAL THEATRE 3 No purchase required to enroll
MUSIC EDUCATION CLASS $34.50 per class No purchase required to enroll
MUSICAL THEATRE REHEARSAL No purchase required to enroll
MUSICAL THEATRE DRESS REHEARSAL No purchase required to enroll
MUSICAL THEATRE PRODUCTION No purchase required to enroll
HNM PERFORMANCE CAMP $375 Purchase required to enroll
After Jun 1st - $400 paid in full for enrollment.
- 10am Morning Band Rehearsals
- 11:30am (Breakout Session1) Song Writing and Composition
- 12:30am (Lunch)
- 1:30pm (Breakout Session2) Performance Energy
- 2:30pm Afternoon Band Rehearsal
Lunch provided daily and dinner on Friday.
Friday will be from 10am until 9pm. Normal schedule from 10am - 2:30pm.
From 2:30 until 5:45, stage setup for concert. 6pm Dinner break. 7pm Concert. 8pm Teardown
LIVE AUDIO CLASS 30min $34.50 per class No purchase required to enroll
LIVE AUDIO CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
LIVE AUDIO CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
GUITAR CLASS 30min $34.50 per class No purchase required to enroll
GUITAR CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
GUITAR CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
BASS CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
BASS CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
PIANO CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
PIANO CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
DRUM CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
DRUM CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
VOCAL CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
VOCAL CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
VIOLIN CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
VIOLIN CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
SAX CLASS 30min $34.50 per class No purchase required to enroll
SAX CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
SAX CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
TRUMPET CLASS 30min $34.50 per class No purchase required to enroll
TRUMPET CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
TRUMPET CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
CELLO CLASS 30min $34.50 per class No purchase required to enroll
CELLO CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
CELLO CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
VIOLA CLASS 30min $34.50 per class No purchase required to enroll
VIOLA CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
VIOLA CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
UKULELE CLASS 30min $34.50 per class Purchase required to enroll
UKULELE CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
UKULELE CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
BANJO CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
BANJO CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
MANDOLIN CLASS 45min $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
MANDOLIN CLASS 60min $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
FLUTE CLASS 30min $34.50 per class No purchase required to enroll
FLUTE CLASS 45mins $51.75 per class No purchase required to enroll
FLUTE CLASS 60mins $69 per class $290 No purchase required to enroll
Skill Session - Scholarship45 No purchase required to enroll
Skill Session - Scholarship30 No purchase required to enroll